Your Desires – Selfish or Generous?

My upbringing was laced with messages about how my desires were fruitless and often selfish. Many of these messages actually came from my own mind as I looked around and saw that what I wanted often didn’t matter or seemed impossible to become a reality. I learned to suppress my desires to guard my heart and to feel more safe inside. Ouch.

One of the most beautiful transformations in my life has been my ability to open my heart and allow my deepest longings to emerge into my conscious mind. It has also been a path of risk, of challenge and of great fulfillment. And honestly, at times some frustration.

My work as a Life Coach focuses on supporting women, and sometimes men, to embody and open fully to their deep desires. What I have learned in my own life, and through working intimately with others in this way, is that great transformation, positive outcomes, and beautiful growth are often the ultimate result of embracing these daring desires.

I’ve seen families change and then grow on into new family experiences where everyone seems happier and more fulfilled. I’ve seen brilliant ideas unleashed about how to impact other people’s lives who need guidance, support and love because my clients have opened their hearts and owned what they wanted. I’ve seen women’s faces youthen before my very eyes and their inner energy come alive again, rejuvenating their zest for life. I’ve seen people fulfill dreams of travel, of giving voice to their unique thoughts and wisdom, and of finding meaningful relationships. All of this change came into fruition as my clients allowed their inner impulses. In short, I’ve seen the world be positively impacted again and again by people taking a chance on owning and acting on their hearts deepest longings.

The next time you feel a longing emerge inwardly, pause and consider this ~ Your ability to act on those impulses may be the most generous gift you can offer to the people around you and the world at large.
